Ex­pan­sion of the gas trans­mis­sion net­works

The network development plan and the scenario framework that underlies it are the main components of the rolling network development process pursuant to section 15a of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG).

The scenario framework comprises forecasts for gas resources and requirements along with planned investments in regional and Community-wide network infrastructure. It forms the basis of the network development plan (NDP), which is published by gas transmission system operators (TSOs) in years that end in an even number. It includes all measures necessary for the network to operate safely and reliably in the next ten years. In years that end in an odd number, the TSOs publish an implementation report detailing progress in implementing the current NDP.

NC CAM envisages a process for the market-based determination of the demand for and, if necessary, creation of additional capacity at cross-border interconnection points (so-called incremental capacity process).
The results of the process serve as a sound basis for determination of the demand for network expansion from the TSOs.


Section 623
Gas Transmission Network Access, International Affairs, Gas Network Development, Supply Security Monitoring, EU Affairs (Gas)

Bundesnetzagentur, Tulpenfeld 4, 53113 Bonn

E-Mail: NetzentwicklungsplanGas@bnetza.de
