Please note that some of the following links are to pages that are only in German or to pages with information that is only updated regularly in German.
Cost examinations under section 6(1) ARegV in conjunction with section 28 et seq GasNEV for setting the base level
Regulatory account under section 5 ARegV
Adjusting annual revenue caps under section 4 ARegV and examining network tariff calculations and validations under section 28 paras 3 and 4 ARegV
Market area conversion under section 19a EnWG
Capex mark-up under section 10a ARegV
Network transfers under section 26 ARegV
Special network tariffs under section 20(2) GasNEV
Biogas cost distribution under section 20b GasNEV
Hardship cases under section 34a ARegV
Incremental capacity projects under Article 28(1) Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (CAM NC)
Price indices for determining replacement costs for operationally necessary fixed assets under section 6(3) sentence 2 in conjunction with section 6a GasNEV