Hy­dro­gen net­work op­er­a­tors

Ruling Chamber 9 is responsible for regulating the tariffs for access to hydrogen networks

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Ruling Chamber 9 is responsible for all decisions to be taken by the Bundesnetzagentur for hydrogen networks under the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) and its accompanying ordinances, as far as they relate to calculating and assessing hydrogen network tariffs.

Opt-in declaration

In accordance with section 28j(3) EnWG, operators of hydrogen networks can submit a declaration to the Bundesnetzagentur that their networks should be subject to regulation pursuant to Part 3, Chapter 3b EnWG ("opt-in declaration"). Operators wishing to collect tariffs in line with the Hydrogen Network Tariffs Ordinance (WasserstoffNEV) have to respect deadlines regarding the declaration and the demand assessment. Further information may be found in the guidance note for hydrogen network operators and on the relevant section of the website Hydrogen.

Cost examination and approval

If the demand assessment is positive and the legal requirements have been met both in form and in substance, network operators have to produce a report with annexes showing the cost and revenue situation in accordance with section 15 WasserstoffNEV and submit it to the ruling chamber along with the data form provided. An annual cost examination and comparison of the projected and actual costs are carried out, during which the ruling chamber assesses and approves the likely costs for the next calendar year. Once the year is over, it assesses and approves the costs that were actually incurred. The difference between the actual costs and the revenues generated is calculated and offset against the current and future projected costs. The relevant provisions may be found in the WasserstoffNEV and further details in the guidance note.
