Sce­nar­ios for the pro­vi­sion of mo­bile spectrum

Jochen Homann: "Discussion about mobile spectrum from 2026 is taking shape"

Year of issue 2021
Date of issue 2021.06.21

The Bundesnetzagentur today published its "Principles and scenarios for the provision of the 800 MHz, 1.8 GHz and 2.6 GHz spectrum". The paper has been drawn up in light of the expiry of the spectrum usage rights in these bands at the end of 2025.

"The spectrum below 1 GHz in particular plays a fundamental role in delivering broadband to rural communities. This spectrum is key in rolling out mobile broadband, especially in rural areas. This is why it is important to create legal and planning certainty for all the market players in good time about how the freed-up spectrum will be made available again," said Jochen Homann, Bundesnetzagentur President.

Principles and scenarios for spectrum provision

The scenarios presented comprise a spectrum auction, an extension of spectrum usage rights, a combination of the two, an "operator model" and a tendering process. Particular focus is placed on how coverage across the country can be improved.

The paper also considers a "negative auction" as an option. In such an auction, the successful bidder would be the one needing the least funding for rolling out mobile coverage to areas that are not financially lucrative. This option should also be considered in context with other forms of funding.

The choice of scenario for providing the spectrum and how the process will be shaped are closely linked to market developments and market players' individual business models.

The Bundesnetzagentur's objective is to improve broadband coverage, especially for communities in rural areas. Particular account will be taken of this objective when making the spectrum available again from 2026. At the same time the aim will be to promote sustainable competition in infrastructure and services.


Last summer the Bundesnetzagentur published a "Spectrum compass" for market consultation with a view to encouraging and structuring debate at an early stage.

The Bundesnetzagentur has evaluated the responses received and is now consulting on its principles and scenarios with the aim of sounding out market players' interests and exploring the next possible steps.

The deadline for comments on the "Principles and scenarios for the provision of the 800 MHz, 1.8 GHz and 2.6 GHz spectrum" is 23 August 2021.

Further information about mobile broadband is available at

Press release (pdf / 334 KB)
