Auc­tion re­sults for off­shore wind pow­er

Jochen Homann: "Zero-cent bids for all sites confirm that investing in offshore wind is attractive"

Year of issue 2021
Date of issue 2021.09.09

The Bundesnetzagentur has today announced the results of the first auction for offshore wind energy using the central model, which closed for bids on 1 September 2021.

"The auction results for all three sites in the North Sea and Baltic Sea show impressive progress in the move away from financial support for offshore wind farms. The zero-cent bids make clear bidders' strong interest in the sites despite their comparatively moderate size and the existing rights of subrogation of the former project developers," said Bundesnetzagentur President Jochen Homann.

Auction results

Three sites with a combined volume of 958 MW were up for auction. Two of them, known as N-3.7 and N-3.8, are located in the North Sea and the third, O-1.3, is in the Baltic Sea.

RWE Renewables Offshore Development Two GmbH was the successful bidder for N-3.7, which has a capacity of 225 MW. EDF Offshore Nordsee 3.8 GmbH was the successful bidder for N-3.8, which has a capacity of 433 MW, and RWE Renewables Offshore Development One GmbH was the successful bidder for O-1.3, which has a capacity of 300 MW. The award value for all three sites is 0 ct/kWh.

Subrogation rights for N-3.8 and O-1.3

The sites N-3.8 and O-1.3 are both subject to a right of subrogation by the project developers that originally planned offshore wind farms there. The developers have the right to subrogate the award. Nordsee Two GmbH is the owner of the right of subrogation for N-3.8, while Windanker GmbH has the right for O-1.3. They have until 2 November 2021 to exercise their rights.

Lots drawn for N-3.8 and O-1.3

Several bids with a value of 0 ct/kWh were submitted for the N-3.8 and O-1.3 sites. The Bundesnetzagentur therefore drew lots, as foreseen by law, to decide which bidder would be successful.

Auctions using the "central model"

The awards include the right to grid connection – financed by electricity consumers through the network charges – and the possibility to operate the offshore wind farms for 25 years. The successful bidders also receive the right to apply for planning approval to construct an offshore wind farm on the site from the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). The offshore wind farms are expected to go into operation in 2026.

The BSH earlier carried out a detailed initial examination of the three sites at the request of the Bundesnetzagentur and concluded that they were suitable to have offshore wind farms of the auctioned capacity constructed on them. The BSH's examination covered the marine environment, the building ground and the wind and oceanographic conditions of the three sites. The costs of the initial examinations for each site will be passed on to the successful bidders.

Further information about the auction for offshore wind farms is available on the Bundesnetzagentur's website.

Press release (pdf / 348 KB)
